100 Things Raiders Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die (100 Things...Fans Should Know)

100 Things Raiders Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die (100 Things...Fans Should Know)

B. inggris Here are what we will do. We will identify if an event or
state is related to a particular moment in the past or to
the present moment. We will work with the sentences
in the left column of the table. We will work in groups,
First, we will do the activity one sentence at a time. We
will look closely into the form of the underlined verb of
every sentence. Second, we will discuss and decide if
the event or state is related to a particular moment in
the past, or if it is related to the present moment. We
will do it like the examples. We will study the examples
carefully. Finally, we will discuss the answers with our

Here are what we will do. We will identify if an event or
state is related to a particular moment in the past or to
the present moment. We will work with the sentences
in the left column of the table. We will work in groups,
First, we will do the activity one sentence at a time. We
will look closely into the form of the underlined verb of
every sentence. Second, we will discuss and decide if
the event or state is related to a particular moment in
the past, or if it is related to the present moment. We
will do it like the examples. We will study the examples
carefully. Finally, we will discuss the answers with our


Berikut adalah apa yang akan kita lakukan. Kami akan mengidentifikasi apakah suatu peristiwa atau

keadaan terkait dengan momen tertentu di masa lalu atau ke

saat ini. Kami akan bekerja dengan kalimat

di kolom kiri tabel. Kami akan bekerja dalam kelompok,

Pertama, kita akan melakukan aktivitas satu kalimat dalam satu waktu. Kita

akan melihat lebih dekat ke dalam bentuk kata kerja yang digarisbawahi dari

setiap kalimat. Kedua, kita akan mendiskusikan dan memutuskan apakah

peristiwa atau keadaan terkait dengan momen tertentu dalam

masa lalu, atau jika itu terkait dengan saat ini. Kita

akan melakukannya seperti contoh. Kami akan mempelajari contoh-contohnya

dengan hati-hati. Akhirnya, kami akan mendiskusikan jawabannya dengan kami

